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April 2, 2011
      April 4, 2011

I.      Call of Meeting to Order

Deliberation on the Superintendent’s recommendation regarding School Choice – Vote to be taken

  • Approval of the Agenda

III.    Approval of Minutes

Deliberation on the Approval of the Minutes of the March 21, 2011 Regular School Committee Meeting

IV.     Questions and Comments from the Audience

V.      Student Representative Report – Kellie Sacco

VI.     Superintendent ReportDr. William Cameron

VII.    Curriculum Report – Dr. Steven O’Brien
Empowering Teaching and Learning with Technology

VIII.   Finance Report

A.      Approval of Warrant
March 24, 2011 in the amount of $173,587.22
March 31, 2011 in the amount of $614,836.64

B.      Budget Transfer Request

        Dr. Picone requests the following budget transfers for approval:

Amount of Money
From Account
To Account
Requested By
Substitute Teaches
Substitute Nurses
Dr. Picone
Medical Contractual
Margaret Marotta,
Director of PPS
Medical Contractual
Contracted Services
Margaret Marotta,
Director of PPS
Medical Contractual
Computer Software
Margaret Marotta,
Director of PPS

IX.     Action Items

a.      Deliberation on the request of the Salem Boys and Girls Club to waive the fee for the use of the Bates School gym on March 29, 2011 – Vote to be Taken

b.      Deliberation on the request of Salem Award for Human Rights Committee to waive the fees for the use of the Salem High School Auditorium on May 7, 2011 for the awards ceremony – Vote to be taken

c.      Deliberation on the request of Salem State University to waive the fees for the use of the Salem High School Field House for the SSU Nursing Recognition Ceremony on Friday, May 20, 2011 - vote to be taken

X.      Sub Committee Reports

Policy Subcommittee – Dr. Crane
a.      Deliberation on the approval of the second reading of the policy on allergens - Vote to be taken

        Curriculum Subcommittee – Dr. Walsh
b.      Deliberation on the approval of the recommendation of the Curriculum Subcommittee regarding SHS Graduation Requirements – Vote to be taken

Subcommittee Reports Continued: 

Buildings and Grounds
        Special Education

XI.     School Committee Concerns and Resolutions
Old/New Business
XII.    Questions and Comments from the Audience regarding the 3/21/11 agenda

XIII.   Adjournment

Respectfully submitted by:

Eileen M. Sacco, Secretary to the
Salem School Committee

This notice was posted on the Official Bulletin Board at Salem City Hall, 93 Washington Street, Salem, MA. on March 31, 2011 at 2:05 p.m. in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 39, Section 23A and 23B and City of Salem Ordinances.

Know Your Rights Under the Open Meeting Law M.G.L. c. 30A §§18-25 and City Ordinance Sections 2-2028 through 2-2033